Outside of Christ

"Is there beauty in death? For most, somehow I doubt it. But for One, I know there was beauty—beauty in a defining three-day moment that changed everything. Outside of ancient Jerusalem’s city limits, Jesus’ horrific slaughter on the cross became the center of time and eternity. His death satisfied the demands of God’s holy justice and appeased His holy wrath by serving as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of all humanity, including mine. He did what we could not and lived in flawless rhythm with God, His Father, perfectly obedient and sinless. This means that Jesus’ sacrificial blood is the red carpet leading into the relational presence of God. In God’s eyes Jesus’ perfection becomes ours … and that is beautiful...
"Death outside of Christ is never beautiful. At times this truth haunts me when I relive the heart pounding terror of looking it in the face, peering into an agonizing, fear-centered eternity without love, light, peace, comfort or hope for a better tomorrow. In eternity tomorrow never comes...
"May all humanity see His life giving light, a light that never goes out. We will continue our work until the whole world knows."
Drew Clark, "Crossing Oceans"
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